Wednesday, October 10, 2012

5 signs your body is toxic!!

Prior to my decision to step up to get physically fit and healthy.... eat clean.... I often was sluggish- even after sleeping 6-8 hours a night. I have always been an active individual- house work, taking care of three kids- oh, 4, my husband is included in that final number! :0

I would eat healthy (salad, water.....) but would finish and still have a craving for SOMETHING!!! Have you ever ate something salty and then need sweet? Do you have cravings that are 'wild' or 'weird'? It does not always mean pregnancy! hehe....

#1 Do you find it very difficult to lose weight?
#2 Are you often tired, even after a good night'ssleep?
#3 Do you have high cholesterol, even when you eat right and exercise EVERY day?
#4 Do you have cravings fir coffee, sugar, or junk food?
#5 Do you regularly suffer from bloating or constipation?

These are the symptoms of toxic overload. You are not alone.

75% to 80% of cancers are linked to enviornmental factors such as toxins. Toxins contribute to obesity.
The Ultimate Reset can"reset" your body to its factory settings.
Join me! On December 10th I am starting this 21-day reset!!!

On average- participants:
*lost 8 3/4 pounds
*lost 1.45" off waist
*lost 1.16" off waist
*lowered cholesterol by 29.9 points
*lowered triglycerides by 10.08 points

Friday, September 28, 2012

Turbo Fire...Soul mate program

Turbo Fire you ask??? It is a HIIT[High Intensity Interval Training] cardio program. This program works EVERY muscle in your body and YOU will sweat! The creator, Chalene Johnson, is such a motivational person. I have NEVER met her but I feel as if she KNOWS me! :)

The 90-day program that you can purchase comes with everything you will need and use for years to come! I am hosting two challenge groups at the moment (groups of women that desire to lose weight, get physically fit--> and to continue the program after the 90-days) if interested, contact me!

Doing programs like Turbo Fire, you burn 9x's more than in a traditional workout program! You continue to burn calories for up to 48 hours AFTER you have completed.

If you have a desire to lose weight but you just do not know how.... this is a NO brainer!!!
It is extremely FUN and if you give your all and 10% more every day you WILL see physical changes in a short period of time!

The picture below is my picture from ONLY 30 days of Turbo Fire! Punching in the AIR- NO WEIGHTS! I give 110% EVERY DAY and do not skip a beat! There are days that you workout for 55 minutes and then some workouts that are ONLY 15 minutes! 15 minutes of intense workouts!!! LOVE IT!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Shakeology...The healthiest meal of your day!

Shakeology.....the healthiest meal!! Do you dread eating vegetables? Do you have a hard time consuming the recommended amount of fruits, vegetables in a day? Do you not eat a particular meal in the day because "you just do NOT have time"? 

Shakeology is the most nutritious shake!! It has over 70+ ingredients in a simple shake. This is a meal replacement shake that serves SO MANY purposes! 

It is cheaper than a FAST FOOD meal--> It breaks down to $4.00 a shake!! I challenge you to find a meal that is CHEAPER than this shake!  You will NOT find one! Check out this link and see what products are in this shake and what it would cost for you to TRY and purchase everything that is in the shake! It is amazing. It tastes great and has three flavors available! (Chocolate, Vegan Chocolate, Vegan Tropical Strawberry, and Greenberry)

What can I do for YOU? How can I help motivate YOU?

Everyday our country is faced with FAST, CONVENIENCE.... but is never warned of the dangers of the meals that we can get so fast for our families, or the rush setting to have NO time for our children! We need to teach ourselves, children, and family the importance of HEALTHY choices!! Having Fast Food and being on the go ELIMINATES family time--> Talking to your children, seeing how your spouse's day was, and even being able to talk with your family needing to release your stresses of your own.

One would not think that meal time would be able to be used for all of these things.... but if one thinks about it---> this could eliminate many unfortunate future illnesses in life.

Obesity is rapidly becoming a SERIOUS problem in the United States. It is ALL over the news, there are people that need to go to the doctor for "quick fixes" to help ease their pain! You are what you eat!

Why not start a journal to write down EVERYTHING that enters your body...start to be conscious with the things you do throughout the day {make sure that you are getting physical activities in your daily life} These simple , yet never thought to be irrelevant to ones day.... can change your life!